Thursday, September 19, 2019


Who is a needy? Helping people means showing them that their is someone who cares for them and also for their needs without showing selfishness. Helping is important because it helps you feel good about yourself because it will make you seem like a better person and make others have a better outlook of you, it takes a lot of energy to  make someone else feel bad and in the end you only feel good for a while but when you make someone else happy I bet you also feel happy and the feeling lasts for long at times even a life time RIGHT?

This is a good way of thinking especially when addressing the issues of bullying,prejudice and discrimination. have you ever tried helping a deaf even by giving directions? It can get tiring quickly when you are intentionally forcing people to hate/discriminate someone just to fulfill you desire.
Instead, treating others with empathy is the best way of gaining respect from your peers. Offer a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on or words of advice. This is how to build a healthy relationship that is founded on mutual trust rather than conflict, at times taking care of your friends hearing aids most especially if it is a child who only thinks of playing with his friends can make the situation more comfortable to both the victim and his family. For a parent to take care of the child he/she will need help and buying even the smallest part of the hearing aid is quite expensive and discouraging if whatever you bought with so much effort gets destroyed within weeks.

 help make a child's life comfortable

Did you know: With our words and actions,we have the ability to both harm and help others

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