Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Putting  into  consideration  what  we  said  or  rather  talked  about  on  our  previous blogs,  before  starting  a  conversation  with  a  Deaf  person  you  have  to  make  sure  that  you  know  how  the  sign  example,"love"  is  signed  because  for  one  wrong  sign  or  even  the  movement  can  mean  something  else.  Example  when  signing  love,  you  use  hands  cutting  across  each  other  with  either  "A"  hand shape  or  clenched  fist  resting  on  the middle of your chest "wakandawhile  on  the  other  hand  if  you  use  open  palm  the  same  way  it  will  mean  friend.

keep in mind that sign language differs from country to country and it has a different meaning everywhere, in ASL they sign friend using their index fingers to show they will never be apart but in KSL if vertically placed it means umbilical cord for the attachment of the mother to the fetus.

friend in KSL

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