Thursday, September 19, 2019


A place of belonging is important as it is a way of increasing meaningfulness in life, someone may be asking where does he/she belong to yet he/she is not a def and at the same time cant per-sieve sound. What do you say when introducing yourself,"I'm too hard of hearing to be considered part of the hearing world, but i'm not deaf enough to be considered part of the Deaf world" 


In some cases you find yourself in a family where your parents are deaf but you are able to produce sound and furthermore communicate with others. in this case where do this person belong to? This is what Nilsa Castro and Melissa (not her real name struggled) with for the early parts of their live, quite a coincidence that is same story from two different people from different continents. 

" I was born with a moderate bilateral high-frequency hearing loss.My mom is Deaf and according to my family,I had enough hearing to adapt to hearing world and attended a mainstream school. I struggled very much to hear my teachers or even my classmates and friends that my teachers begged my parents to buy me hearing aids,I experienced jokes,bullying and rejections of growing up of hard of hearing loss in a world where everyone can hear yet I did learn how to adapt to both the hearing and the deaf world. 

I learned to  read lips,decipher body language and find patterns in daily activities to predict conversations if am not wearing my hearing aids i pretend I can hear everything when I really don't,just to be part of the hearing world. The truth is I miss words and nod to inaudible conversations while smiling. Sometimes, I depend on other people to tell me what's going on.The truth is that I don't feel like I belong to the hearing world and at the same time I find it hard to fit in the Deaf world

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