From earlier recorded histories, gestures have been used for communication between groups of different languages and cultures. The use of formalized language of signs however has been gradual until the first attempt to educate deaf people were made. The two main founders of sign language are;
Juan Pablo Bonet
He was a Spanish priest and a pioneer of deaf education. The first book of manual alphabet was published by Juan Pablo in 1620 in Madrid. This was considered the first treatise of the phonetics of sign language and the use of sign language to teach speech to the deaf. His system of sign and manual alphabets was influenced by different sign languages such as; Spanish sign language,
French sign language and American sign language
Juan Pablo bonet
Abee' Charles - Michele De L'E'pee
The public education of the hearing impaired using sign language began in France. Abee' was born on 24th November 1712 in Versailles, Yvellines in France. he devoted most of his life to developing the worlds first sign alphabet for the deaf and he is also credited with creating a systematic method of teaching the person with hearing impairment.
His manual alphabet which he called french sign language was adapted into American sign language a few decades after his death. In 1755 he founded the first public school for the deaf
Abee' refined and developed the language of signs into a full language from which the present day languages are derived.
This action of inventing and emphasizing on the usage of sign language has made communication to be more effective. Nowadays the rate of discrimination and indifference has reduced, sign inventors are now emerging due to the inspiration that they get from this two wonderful people an act that has made people to greatly accept that disability is part of our day to day life and we should see it as a normal thing.
once again a good briefing on how sign language came, any school i can learn please?